We live in a world where one single event could destroy your business or significantly impact your ability to run your business successfully.
Have you ever thought about what would happen to the business if:
- A key member of staff died
- There was a loss of gas, electricity or water at your site
- You received a bomb threat
- Your building burnt down
- Thieves stole your computer equipment overnight
- Your product or service caused harm to a customer
Often management are so busy running their business that they loose sight of the operational risks present. We will work with you to:
- Identify your significant business risks - What negative events could realistically occur within your business
- Analyse your business risks - What impact would those events have on your business in the short medium and long term
- Develop contingency plans to help minimise the likelihood of those adverse events occurring
- Develop disaster recovery plans to help get you up and running again following an adverse event with minimal disruption
- Work with your risk insurers to help you control / reduce the premiums paid to them